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Depression Doesn’t Look Like What You Think

After years of ignoring it, I finally face the fact that I was (am) depressed. Not just a little bump in the road, but truly, honestly depressed. I had been in denial for over three years. Depression doesn’t look like what most people think. Depressed people don’t always lie in a fetal position doing nothing […]

Change Becomes the New Normal

Life is funny sometimes. You can go along enjoying the “status quo” for years – even if you’re dissatisfied or unhappy. There is something built into the human psyche that keeps us in one place even when we aren’t happy there. But eventually change happens. Either we decide to make a change, or it is […]

Too Much Work – Or Too Little – Is Bad

I hope it’s not a big surprise that too much work is bad for you. I know I harp on it all the time, but there’s plenty of research to back it up. I recently came across a great article by Nancy Shute on the effect of long hours on depression. See http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0030719.  The key […]

Put More Balance in Your Balance!

I’m a big advocate of balance. In work and play and everything else. Ironically enough, you have to WORK at balance: It simply won’t happen by itself. Part of balance means saying no. Make that “NO!” Business owners tend to be doers and joiners. When someone drops a request on our laps, we tend to […]

Vacations and Balance

As we prepare for the Christmas vacation in the U.S., my mind wanders to vacations and family gatherings. These are sometimes combined and often separated. I remembered, as a kid, that traveling to see cousins in another city was just was much fun as driving to see a national park or an old fort. For […]

Facebook and Reality Don’t Always Play Well Together

Not too long ago I was speaking to a group about automating social media. I mentioned that I post to Twitter with socialoomph.com, and that Twitter feeds Facebook and LinkedIn. I also schedule newsletters in advance, as well as some blog posts. My humorous line was that, if I died, no one would know it […]

Sex is Good – Who Knew?

This is not a blog about sex. It’s a blog about life. About balance. About all the things that make you a happier, healthier, more productive, more successful person. Well one of the best things you can do for yourself is to develop a happy sex life. At some level, pretty much everybody “likes” sex. […]

How Much of Life is About Control?

I love this passage from Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert: “We gallop through our lives like circus performers balancing on two speeding side-by-side horses — one foot is on the horse called ‘fate,’ the other on the horse called ‘free will.’ And the question you have to ask every day is — which horse […]

Too Excited to Make Good Decisions

Last week I had a chat with my girlfriend Ronda about some changes to my business. Like many of us, Ronda leads a busy life and can get caught up in the daily buzz, buzz, buzz. But in this instance, she showed me two very important lessons about important decisions. I have a tendency to […]

Do You Know How To Ask for What You Want?

Recently I found myself in two very different settings that resulted in similar, uncomfortable results. Both were business networking and “master mind” settings of truly amazing people. In each setting the following scenario played out: – People were given the opportunity to ask a room full of experts to help them with their businesses. Name […]