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Depression Doesn’t Look Like What You Think

After years of ignoring it, I finally face the fact that I was (am) depressed. Not just a little bump in the road, but truly, honestly depressed. I had been in denial for over three years. Depression doesn’t look like what most people think. Depressed people don’t always lie in a fetal position doing nothing […]

Change Becomes the New Normal

Life is funny sometimes. You can go along enjoying the “status quo” for years – even if you’re dissatisfied or unhappy. There is something built into the human psyche that keeps us in one place even when we aren’t happy there. But eventually change happens. Either we decide to make a change, or it is […]

Some Days Are Just Good Days

Yesterday, my daughter wandered in and asked me if I had a good day. Yes. Yes I did! “Oh,” she said, “What happened?” Oddly enough, nothing spectacular. It was a not-too-busy day, but still filled with lots of good little things. No big events. No big projects. No surprises. Nothing spectacular. But . . . […]

Don’t Plant the Tree You See

Awhile back I wandered into a restaurant that was refurbishing their side patio dining area. They were planting a number of palm trees. They had obviously put a lot of money into this project, including the purchase of a dozen good-size palm trees. It really struck me as odd, however, that they planted the trees […]

Worry Brings Benefits

Do You Worry Enough? Part 3 This is the third and final installment of the series that started here with “Do You Worry Enough? Worry brings benefits.  That sounds odd to us.  Let me rephrase it:  Spending time thinking about problems brings good things into our lives. There are two types of “focusing” on problems.  […]

Do You Worry Enough?

Just as There’s Good Stress, So There’s Good Worry There’s a lot of “universal” advice out there. The always-present everyone says don’t smoke, exercise more, eat your fruits and vegetables. One piece of universal advice is to stop worrying, or at least reduce the level of worry in your life. After all, we have plenty […]

Do You Know How To Ask for What You Want?

Not too long ago I found myself in two very different settings that resulted in similar, uncomfortable results. In each setting the following scenario played out: – People were given the opportunity to ask a room full of experts to help them with their businesses. Name any problem with your challenge and we’ll all brainstorm […]

I Moved My Cane Today

Prop the mental cane against the corner and leave the pain where it belongs – in the past.

Are You Living on THAT? – and Other Misconceptions

Reality is an interesting concept. Sometimes I think I’m the master at being mis-understood. Why? Because I work a lot with people who aren’t like myself. They interpret the world differently than I do. Reality has three components: – Events, actions, or statements – Context (other things going on more or less at the same […]