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Game Theory

In college-level psychology courses, one of the fun things you get to do is train mice. In addition to being easy, training mice helps you learn a lot about behavior generally and rewards and punishments specifically. Someone should write a book on training mice for kids. It’s simple. An 8 year old that can learn […]

Do You Worry Enough? Just as There’s Good Stress, So There’s Good Worry

There’s a lot of “universal” advice out there.  The always-present everyone says don’t smoke, exercise more, eat your fruits and vegetables. One piece of universal advice is to stop worrying, or at least reduce the level of worry in your life.  After all, we have plenty to worry about—Money, our children, our parents, our spouse’s […]

Introduction to Retreats

In the Monty Python movie The Holy Grail, King Arthur’s men do not use the terms “charge” and “retreat.”  Instead they use “charge” and “Run away! Run away!”  So, when I tell my friends I’m going on my annual retreat, they always say “Run away! Run away!” Part of me wants to say that I’m […]

Open Your Wallet

I have discovered two situations in which I’m willing to open my wallet and say “Here.  Take whatever you want.” The fist situation is Disneyland.  Mickey Mouse can have all the money he wants.  When we’re at Disneyland, I’m happy and relaxed.   My daughter is totally wired, bouncing off the walls, and hyperventilating with fun.  […]

Focusing On The Moment

We have discussed several aspects of “focusing” on your success.  Lots of books have been written on the concept of focusing on the moment, but I want to relay an incident that brought this point into focus for me recently. Brought clarity to focusing on the moment. I take Bikram-style yoga classes several times a […]

Making Lemonade is a Lifestyle Choice

“Stuff” happens in life. You can make yourself miserable and dive into the well of dispair, or you can pick up the lemons and start making lemonade.

Nothing Grows in a Straight Line – Even People

No one is surprised when they see that plants don’t grow straight. Plant a squash or a vine and see what it does. If you want it to grow straight, you’ll need to use tent stakes to staple it’s tentacles to the earth. If fact, it’s almost laughable when you see what people do with […]


I received this in a recent email from Brian Tracy: Calvin Coolidge, a president who was so reluctant to speak in public that he was given the nickname of “Silent Cal,” will go down in history for his simple but memorable words on success. He wrote, “Press on. Nothing in the world can take the […]

Another Book Credit — Workaholism

I agreed to contribute an article to a work on Workaholism some time back. And then I forgot about it. Well, yesterday I had the pleasant surprise of receiving a copy of the final printed book, Workaholism Perspectives and Experiences from Icfai University Press. The book is about 190 pages and filled with great essays […]

Quiet Time Doesn’t Solve Problems – But It Sure Helps

I’m a big fan of Quiet Time. That might be meditation, prayer, or just sitting in the back yard watching the birds as the sun comes up. And I’ve written on several occasions about how I’ve solved problems through Quiet Time. But some people confuse these activities. Meditation/Prayers/Quiet Time is not an active attempt to […]