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The Trap of Over-Working

One of the most obvious examples of “workaholism” is simply over-working. Over-working means that you continue working after you are no longer productive. You might do this out of guilt or frustration. You might just be completely overwhelmed. And that’s precisely why you need to force yourself to stop working and recharge your batteries. Here’s […]

Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis for Fifteen Years – Notes for Beginners

A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with RA – Rheumatoid Arthritis. This Fall is the 15th anniversary of my diagnosis for RA. I wrote the following notes to help my friend with this disease, which she will have for the rest of her life. If you are newly-diagnosed with RA, or you are close to someone […]

New 5-Week Course: Relax Focus Succeed®

Relax Focus Succeed® Balance Your Personal and Professional Lives and Be More Successful in Both Five Mondays – July 28 – Aug. 25, 2014 Registration includes a copy of the book Relax Focus Succeed® by Karl W. Palachuk. Save $50 right now with code RFSClass Register now: Only $199 – $50 with code RFSClass to bring this price to […]

My Excuses for Not Exercising

Yesterday I had a particularly painful Bikram Yoga* workout. I always have some pain due to my Rheumatoid Arthritis. But this was a bad day. Other than Yoga, I never go barefoot. You see, walking barefoot for me is a bit like walking on a floor where some kid has scattered Legos. You know those […]

Re-Writing Reality is Easier Than You Think

One of the exercises I go through with people during my seminars is to think back five years or ten years. Let’s pick a nice round number, like 2005. That’s seven, almost eight years ago. Where did you live? Was it the same house? Did you drive a different car? Did you go to work […]

Depression Doesn’t Look Like What You Think

After years of ignoring it, I finally face the fact that I was (am) depressed. Not just a little bump in the road, but truly, honestly depressed. I had been in denial for over three years. Depression doesn’t look like what most people think. Depressed people don’t always lie in a fetal position doing nothing […]

Too Much Work – Or Too Little – Is Bad

I hope it’s not a big surprise that too much work is bad for you. I know I harp on it all the time, but there’s plenty of research to back it up. I recently came across a great article by Nancy Shute on the effect of long hours on depression. See http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0030719.  The key […]

Happy Leap Year: Looking Forward and Backward

People are interesting creatures. We create an artificial thing called time, divide it into little increments, and then assign meaning to those increments. Today is Leap Year Day. We won’t get to experience February 29th for another four years. In my book, Relax Focus Succeed, I discuss the topic of looking forward and backward. There, […]

Facebook and Reality Don’t Always Play Well Together

Not too long ago I was speaking to a group about automating social media. I mentioned that I post to Twitter with socialoomph.com, and that Twitter feeds Facebook and LinkedIn. I also schedule newsletters in advance, as well as some blog posts. My humorous line was that, if I died, no one would know it […]

Do You Know How To Ask for What You Want?

Recently I found myself in two very different settings that resulted in similar, uncomfortable results. Both were business networking and “master mind” settings of truly amazing people. In each setting the following scenario played out: – People were given the opportunity to ask a room full of experts to help them with their businesses. Name […]